A deductible is the amount of money you are responsible for paying in the event of a claim. Deductibles on commercial truck insurance policies can be a very high amount and create an unexpected large expense to your business. We designed this policy specifically for truckers to reduce their deductible when they have to make an insurance claim on their commercial policy. It is extremely important that you know the deductible of your insurance policies, ask us to help you find that information.
Highlights of this policy:
Multiple Options of Deductible Buy Downs – This policy covers deductibles from $2,500 up to $25,000, and can buy deductibles down to anywhere from $1,000 $5,000.
Certificates Issued to Financing or Leasing Companies – Financing and leasing companies require certain maximum deductibles for vehicles. If your insurance policy deductible is higher than the required amount, our policy will provide coverage and certificates will be sent to the dealership from our support staff.
Coverage Options:
Deductible Amounts Covered |
$5,000 - $25,000 |
Buy Down Amount |
$1,000 - $5,000 |
Coverages Applied to |
Section A (Standard Coverage): All Perils – At Fault Losses, Section B (Direct Compensation Property Damage), Section C (Third Party Property Damage) |
Accidents on the road can happen, don’t get set back financially just to make a claim with your insurance company. Make sure you always know your commercial insurance deductible every year that you renew. Remember, we insure Ontario trucks as well. Let us show you how we can make your commercial policy and deductible buy down policy work together to save you money!
“I have had a couple of deductible's that you have helped me pay over the years and I was paid out no problem.”
-Kevin S.